Thursday, January 16, 2014

Recovery Resource Review: Follow the Solid Rock Road!

Though I am still learning my way around Twitter, I have discovered that a little bit of honesty and courage when reaching out to others can be the starting point for real connection and not simply "following". One such connection I have made is with Jerry Pineda, on whose account I stumbled late last year. Jerry and his wife Jamee are involved with drug and alcohol recovery ministry in which they use a self-developed curriculum (co-authored by Sherry Colby) entitled, "Follow the Solid Rock Road".

As someone whose own recovery work is focused on a different addiction, I felt that Jerry and I may be able to learn something from one another and our respective works. We exchanged a few direct messages on Twitter, graduated to e-mail, and sent each other copies of our books.

I found Follow the Solid Rock Road to be an excellent and challenging resource, for it goes beyond mere recovery from substance abuse to holistic living (as all good recovery books do) and also has an edge and intensity that may be necessary for some programs to succeed, depending on those involved.

The book covers a great deal of ground as it offers 10 principles for addicts to adopt in order to successfully continue in lifelong sobriety without relapse or excuses. The writers pull from a wealth of personal experiences, some of which are heartbreaking and terrifying, and the read is not only instructive but, for particular segments, deeply compelling. I walked away from this book not only with memorable tools but very useful anecdotes and real-life cautionary tales.

And be assured, in recovery, people will need them, especially if they are going through this book. Follow the Solid Rock Road is a pull-no-punches sort of program that demands a response. From an approach of sincere but tough love, the writers call persons in addiction to take full responsibility for sin before finding forgiveness and restoration through faith in Christ Jesus. They do this with a steady tone that challenges the reader while conveying care and empathy.

Follow the Solid Rock Road is the type of resource that can only come from the heart and mind of those who have recovered themselves, who bear the scars of sin and the renewal thereafter. I found myself highlighting passages regularly, and I feel like anyone leading a small group or starting a recovery addiction program at a church may find this tool to be useful and affective.

Resources are available through Amazon, as linked below, or at


Group Leader Curriculum

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