Saturday, May 31, 2014

My Latest at : Thoughts on the Present State of G.I.Joe

I've been a G.I. Joe fan for a very, very long time--first as a child, then as a high schooler, then a college student, and even now as I type this--even after those two movies they made--I remain a fan (and I turn 32 on Monday).

Yep. Still.

Of course, in the changing cultural climate, G.I. Joe has had a tumultuous reception, not only due to the film but the concept itself. Being a writer, I had to sort through my emotions by putting my thoughts to page (screen?). was kind enough to indulge me, and one of the Joe Die hards at a separate site in their network,, was even willing to fact-check and improve it (Thanks, Terrance).

Interested in G.I. Joe? You may find this worth a read.

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hiatus

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