Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lifehacks, Kre-o, Movies and More!

Hi All,

So, I have basically become a derelict on this blog; and for that I deeply apologize. I have 4 books/reviews pending the queue, in addition to several posts I am revising, and I promise you that I will step up in March (hopefully to the tune of two posts a week). Again, my apologies.

If you are wondering what I have been doing of late; my answer is simple: writing.

I had articles published this month at three other sites (linked below), and I have been busily working on my second novel, To Retreat from Romance, in order to send it to readers (still 3 days to join my revisions team!). Additionally, I have begun revisiting the study guide for Stronghold, as it seems a demand for it has developed.

So, without further ado, here's links to my latest articles, plus a very kind review of Stronghold that went live this month.

Kre-o: A Sound Foundation for a Major Toy Line:
5 Lifehacks for Porn Recovery:
Lego Movie Review: An AFOL Perspective:

And courtesy of Incite, a review of Stronghold, by their founder, Julie.

As always, thank you again for reading. I sincerely apologize for my lack of content lately, and I will strive to provide some posts worth reading come March.


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