Saturday, December 21, 2013

5 Great Christmas Gifts for Artists

Artists need our help; they need the help of fans, and they need the help of other artists. If a handful of small artists have given you a gift through their work, why not give them a little something in return this holiday. Here's 5 ways to give your favorite artists a treat this December (and 3 of the ways are free, so no excuses!)

1) Review their work on Amazon, iTunes, and wherever else it may be for sale online. Even three stars is better than none. Tweets, e-mails and letters to the address on the book/CD are wonderful, but reviews tell the world how you feel.

2) Buy their work and give it to others. This is what artists want every happy customer to do. I've discovered more than one creative type thanks to others' directing me to them. If some musician wrote an album you enjoyed, why not send it to two folks who might like it also.  

3) Tweet or share links to their Amazon page or publishing site. Indie Artists are constantly advertising; they have to until a label or company does it for them. When you share a link to someone's album or VOD or book, you are boosting their productivity. It doesn't matter if they don't get a single sale from your link, it's enough that people see their name connected to you and build that recognition.

4) If you have a blog or podcast, offer to interview them. A writer's book, a singer's record, and a director's film are like their children, and who doesn't enjoy discussing their children? Give them some time and space, and you may enjoy it even more than they do. 

5) Pray for them regularly. This is where things get nuts. Last year I committed to praying for a director's influence to increase and his success to continue. In the fall of 2012, a film he directed made 20x it's cost, and a studio is releasing his next film on July 4 weekend 2014--that's success and influence. True story. Not saying I caused it, but I don't think prayer hurt him either. 

I know these may seem like little, unimportant acts, but you have no idea how much artists need a boost now and again! 

I intend to give one or more of the above Christmas gifts this year; how bout you?

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