Monday, August 19, 2013

Whoa? What Happened?

Well, I blew it. Thrice!

Yes, my friends. In the ballyhoo of the new job, a recent eBay obsession, and my working on revising one book while planning another, I have totally dropped the ball on the blog--not only today but this last Saturday and Friday as well.

First and foremost, my apologies. I have no good reasons for my dereliction, and I am embarrassed. Despite your ongoing support and kindness, I have failed to keep with my scheduled posts, and as a result, my usual RSS feed updates have been lacking the last few days. Today's post is nothing more than an attempt to course-correct that.

That being said, I am going to jump back on track Wednesday with some writing-related thoughts, and Friday I will bring another book recommendation to you. Moving forward, I hope to stay focused for the remainder of August and then finish the back four months of the year strongly with some more recommendations, writing updates, and spiritual reflections. I will warn you now that my attempts will be challenged significantly this fall as October and November will prove exceedingly busy months for me. But more on that later...

Again, I apologize for my lack of posts Friday, Saturday, and really today, also, because let's face it, this is not much of a post. I appreciate your patience with me as I continue to find balance between the new gig and my writing.

Hope you all had a wonderful Monday!

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