Saturday, June 15, 2013

June Links

Help! My ebook Isn't Selling! 10 Questions you need to answer honestly if you want to sell more books.
Thoughts, tips, and insights to help get your book to the next level of quality and sales

The Impact of Writing on the Brain
An amazing infographic on the power of words and prose on the brain

Paradise Lost: Forgotten Virtue of Star Trek
A great article from a fellow Biola grad on the reason J.J. Abrams' new Trek films don't really fit into the canon of that property or brand

Catching Up With Time in the "Before" and "Up" Films
Great insights on two of my favorite film series of all time

1 Million Men to Fight Pornography Addiction
One pastor's mission to get men to dedicate themselves to the battle against pornography

Summer Reading for College Graduates
Great book list from Mere-O and Brett McKracken

Richard Linklater on Small Filmmaking
One of America's most unique directors discusses the current climate of the industry

Youth Workers Respond to Pornography
Youth discuss how the church can fight one of today's most pressing battles.

Listening to Young Atheists
Interesting study on young atheists in America

Why #FitchtheHomeless Backfires
Fascinating look at how the homeless have responded to the Abercrombie and Fitch debacle

From A Single's Heart
An open letter of sorts from a single, female Christian missionary to the church.

The Wilderness Time of Spiritual Growth
Wonderful encouragement for those in a tough place

How to Hate Your Life
Some insight from John Piper

What 'Happily Ever After' Really Looks Like
A very encouraging article on one wife and husband

In Which Jesus Is Shown To Be Better Than a Facebook Friend
John Mark Reynolds' wonderful thoughts on Jesus and Facebook.

Still Serving Food
A wonderful piece on working hard at any job

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