Tuesday, May 28, 2013

STRONGHOLD released!

Stronghold is now out in the ether (in digital and print), available for anyone to find and read—those who know me and those who don’t. The moment is equal parts encouraging and terrifying.  Yes, I am ecstatic to have finished, produced, and released my first novel, but I am also aware that a lot of people are going to hate it, and I am preparing myself for that. In the end, I have come to grips with one fact: Stronghold is a piece of art, and it’s the best I have to offer the world creatively at this point in my life. For some that will prove enough; for others, it won’t. As for me, I am left on my knees, presenting the book before God as an offering of my finest efforts, for his honor and to his glory. I have attempted to write a work that is excellent, honest, and entertaining.  I suppose you will tell me how I did in the months to come.

Thank you all for joining me on this journey to now; I hope you will continue with me on the exciting path that lies ahead.

Again, you can order Stronghold in print from Amazon or get it for your Kindle.

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